Sunday, June 27, 2010

Grandpa's Sunday....

Breakfast: Egg yolks and almonds.

- 11:18; Nipple Boy sighting.

Lunch: Ground beef and barley

- 12:32; Grandpa is speaking Russian in the bathroom. Grandpa speaks Russian??
- 2:00; Nap.
- 2:45; How many times do we have to explain to Grandpa that the washing machine isn't his own personal hamper. Goddammit. Nothing worse than having to dig through old man breifs everytime we need to do laundry.
- 3:15; Dennis and I debate the merits of "The Naked Lunch" the book. Literary genius? Or nonsense? Either way, we prefer Cronenberg.

Dinner: Collared greens with a side of Fiber One. We are trying to avoid the colon cleanse incident again.

- 8:15; a glass of whiskey and bed for Grandpa. He says he has a big day tomorrow and we had better not disturb him. Grandpa is sleep talking. What language is that? Old English?'re scaring us....

Yours truly,


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